Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Beginnings

Sequence thumbs

In Progress animation...

I'm amazed just how fast time seems to quietly move
through space. I remember as a kid, how nothing seemed
to come soon enough. Now, years roll by like frames
in a film. A shame we only get 100 frames, and that
is being gratuitous.100 frames of animation at 24FPS
will get you 4.1 seconds of film. I guess life's movie
is over in a blink of an eye. Share your story before
it's all over. Here is some animation in progress.
Figured I'd share it, as there needs to be more
animation on this site. It's still early so be brutal.
Happy 09



Bobby Pontillas said...

Inspired work Jamal. Cant wait to see the rest, please keep us posted on your progress. How is this being done, Flash?

gemini82 said...

Good post my man. You've just lite the fire under my belly

Unknown said...

Great clip, Jamal. Love the high-contrast look, especially the folds on the woman's dress.

Marcelo Vignali said...

Dang, the animation won't play on my machine, but the designs look great.

Ken said...

Im lovin this dude....wow!

That girl walk at the end... HOT!

Looking forward to seeing this develop.

OH... and that thing you said about time... so true! Why is that? Why does time speed up when we get older...?

Unknown said...

I your line work and choices for color. The woman at the end was nice!

Anthony Holden said...

This is wicked hot. I love the camera rotation during the walk at the beginning--right on.

robi pena said...

Hey Jamal :-))!! I wish you also a happy new year ma friend!! Superbe start with this amazing «post» and superbe also the illustrations and the spot of the «Blomicon»!!! Cheers ^^


feelin it. feelin it.

and I hear you on gettin dem stories out.
I'm not trying to be in the after life screaming at the living person that "took" my story. LOL.

Looks like we're on the same page for '09.

Keep it up, bro.

damon said...

wow cool stuff

i like

Unknown said...

love what you do and how you do it

Inspiration beyond the norm! Eagerly await the next round

Looks like another fantastic year of posts from you Jamal

Tim Rauch said...

Jamal wow that's sweet. I really have nothing to see, it's one of the most original 6 second clips I've ever seen ANYWHERE. Finish it!

Tim Rauch said...

"nothing to say" i meant! really breathtaking stuff. im late and not doing so well typing. cant wait to see more my friend, hope all is well in ATL!

Unknown said...

Love the visual style!! AWESOME!

Andry "Shango" Rajoelina said...

Nice sneak peek! I'm looking forward to seeing more of it (that was way too short^^!)

Jamal O said...

Many ThanQ's to everyone.

More animation soon.

Bobby> Yes All Flash, checked your
blog, nice work.
Ken> Not entirely sure, but I have
suspicions, perhaps itsbecause
when your an adult your 2 busy
with bills, mortgages and

g1toons said...

nice work, cant wait to see it finshed

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

man just love it folk

Paul Lacolley said...

greaaaaaat!!!! i'm looking forward to see the end!

Francisco Martins said...

Very inspiring post Jamal!
So true!! When you realize you're not going to be arround forever, you may want to re-check your priorities, 'cause you might not have all the time in the world as you once thought you would. Don't you ever wish you could be a kid again?

Se ya!

Francisco Martins

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gemini82 said...

Yes, That is it

messytimbo said...

wow man i totally love it! so nice!

great job man, can't wait to see more

DeJarnette Designs said...

Awesome animation Jamal! Love the graphic style. Can't wait to see the final.

Shaz Enrico Lym said...

thats dope man!... keep it up

Andre Barnwell said...

Looking tight.


I love, apart from aesthetics and design, which reminds me of something gorillaz, the rotation of camera is fantastic.sorry my english is :(

Dave Dick said...

I'm having trouble with the clip - But the colours and design work looks bad ass!

1 said...

Really beautiful work Jamal!! great sense of timing and the style choice is very suiting.

Josh 'Hat' Lieberman said...

This stuff is amazing. Can't wait to see more.
I saw you mentioned this is done in flash? What's your process been with this project? Are you drawing directly on a tablet in flash?

G Cuellar said...

What song is that?
Love your work.

Kyle Marshall said...

Wow! wicked clip!

Anonymous said...

Groovy designs and timing man, the music really makes it sing.