After working in Television animation since 2004, I have decided
that While I enjoy working in a Production setting, I would also like
to pursue projects that are unique in cultivating my own personal
Expression. Working on Tv shows is nothing like I expected. You
know how it is when you have this initial perception of something
and you start doing it and you realize how wrong you were! Dont
misunderstand me. I'm sure I'll get mixed up in some more TV
stuff soon enough. But Alas the times are changing. The advent
of new media is looming, and TV will never be the same. The
networks smell the change, they have predicted it for some time
now. Everyone is scrambling. Trying to solidfy their place. Never
in the history of media has there been a time like this. A time
where content is not only restricted to large power brokers.
Thanks to the internet, creators finally have their say, and can
reach the entire world.
So stay tuned. There will be some very interesting projects coming
to fruition this year.
Happy New year Folks!!